2025 Seedling Sale Information


Deadline: March 31, 2025

Ordering: 2025 Order Form

Availability: Seedlings are sold on a first come first serve basis, many of the seedlings are sold out before the order deadline. Sold out species are listed below. 

If you have questions: call MEDINA SWCD’ s office at 330-722-9322

DO NOT CALL Geig’s Orchard. They are kind enough to let us use their facility for our tree pick up, please do not call them.


There are no pick up notice reminders sent out.

Pick Up Location:  Geig’s Orchard, 8468 Wooster Pike, Seville

Pick up dates and times are: 
Friday, May 2nd from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 3rd from 8:00 a.m. – Noon

Each packet contains 10 seedlings at an average size of 6” and up.
Most packets will easily fit in a five gallon bucket

Species are sold out

Sold Out Species:


Soil Moisture Levels

Dry: Very well-drained soils that rarely have standing water, even after a heavy rain event.

Medium: Well-drained soils, sometimes experiences standing water, but only for short periods of time.

Moist: Usually damp soils. Can have standing water for a few days after a heavy rain event. Surface can dry out in the summer.

Wet: Soil stays soggy most of the year, even through the summer. Experiences standing water for a week in the spring or after a heavy rain event.

Growth Rate

Fast is typically a growth rate of greater than 24” in height a year.

Moderate is typically a growth rate of 13-24” in height a year.

Slow is typically a growth rate of less than 12” in height a year.