What do I need to bring when I pick up my fish?
A five gallon bucket lined with an unscented trash bag filled 1/2 full
with your pond water.
Not bringing required supplies will result in an extra charge.
- One five gallon container per 2-3 amurs or koi
- One five gallon container per 1,000 minnows
- One container per 100 of all other small fish
Stocking Recommendations
Per Acre
Bass 100 – Bluegill 500
Bass 100- Bluegill 500- Catfish 100
Bass 100 – Redear Shell Cracker 500
Bass 100 – Bluegill 350 – Redear Shell Cracker 150
Bass 100 – Bluegill 350 -Redear Shell Cracker 150- Catfish 100
Minnows 1,000
Amurs 8-10
Largemouth Bass are the most popular predator fish in ponds and lakes. Feeds on insets, small fish, frogs and crayfish. Can reach sizes of 5-6 lbs., but 2-3 lbs. are more common. Prefer areas with good habitat (vegetation, woody debris, and rocks). Will keep bluegill populations under control.
Bluegill are the most popular forage fish in the pond. Feeds on insects, crustaceans and small fish. Can reach sizes of 9-10 inches, but 6-7 inches are more common. Spawn several times a year. Prefer ponds with vegetation, but can thrive in most habitats. Can become over populated without an abundant predator species. Easily catchable and make great table fare.
Yellow Perch adapt well to ponds. Diet consist mostly of insects and small fish. Can reach sizes of 12-14 inches but 9-10 inches are more common.
Will compete with other predator fish for food, so an abundance of forage fish is important. Most have vegetation or some type of structure for spawning.
Channel Catfish do well in ponds. Diet consists of insects, fish and crayfish. Can reach sizes of 10-15 lbs. but 45 lbs. are more common. Will not usually reproduce in ponds. May need to be managed due to their excessive size and eating habits.
Hybrid Bluegill The Hybrid Bluegill is crossed between a male bluegill and female green sunfish. This particular cross produces a fish with the large mouth of the sunfish and the aggressiveness of the bluegill, which enables the fish to grow faster and larger than common bream. It will feed on a commercial feed with annual growth rates of up to 1/2 to 3/4 pound per season. With a good management program in place these fish can reach weights of 2 to 2 1/2 pounds.
Redear Shellcracker (Sunfish) similar to bluegill, these fish are given the name “shellcracker” because of their diet, which consists of snails and small mollusks. These fish tend to grow larger than bluegill, however they only spawn once a year. They should not be considered as a pond only forage fish, but as an addition to other, better producing forage fish.
White Amur is strictly stocked to consume aquatic vegetation. They are a useful tool when a pond owner does not want to use aquatic herbicides.
They can reach sizes of 4 feet and weigh in at over 60 lbs. These fish are of the triploid variety, which means that they are sterile.
Koi are ornamental but control duckweed and watermill vegetation. Koi have been know to live up to 50 years or longer.
Fathead Minnows are used as feeder fish. Quite tolerant of turbid, low-oxygenated water.
Nature’s Pond Conditioner is a two in one bottle product. First, you have a bacteria that will, over time, turn the black muck in your pond into clean water, helping to lower the fertility levels in the pond. Secondly, there is a food grade dye in it as well, that will give your pond a natural green color to help block out sunlight and slow the growth of unwanted plant life. One gallon container.