Medina SWCD has educational supplies that can be lent out to teachers or brought to community events. 

Medina SWCD staff can come to your class and present lessons with these kits that meet Ohio’s Learning Standards, or kits and models can be borrowed for two week intervals with a refundable $25 deposit.

Check out the descriptions for links to the educational videos that accompany these kits. Feel free to call our office with questions or to check availability.


See how pollution enters storm water with this 3D watershed model. Add fake pollutants to the model, and make it rain using a spray bottle. Pollutants flow through the landscape and join to compound in the lake.


Kit can be used to cover these Ohio’s Learning Standards:

3.ESS.3: Some of Earth’s resources are limited.

4.LS.1: Changes in an organism’s environment are sometimes beneficial to its survival and sometimes harmful.


Middle school Classroom Activity: Sum of the Parts Lesson

Highschool/Science Club Resources: BMPS to protect water health

Ground Water Flow Model:

Using this cross section of a landscape, see how ground water refills aquifers and how groundwater and wells can become contaminated.

Kit can be used to cover these Ohio Standards:

3.ESS.3: Some of Earth’s resources are limited.

7.ESS.1: The hydrologic cycle illustrates the changing states of water as it moves through the lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Videos: Ground Water Flow Model

Classroom Resources:

Answers are available to teachers or upon request for educational groups.

Recycling Kit

See how some materials never disappear but can be transformed into new products. This kit includes examples of how different products are ground down, reformed, or even upcycled.

Kit can be used to cover these Ohio Standards:

4.PS.1: When objects break into smaller pieces, dissolve, or change state, the total amount of matter is conserved.

7.PS.2: Matter can be separated or changed, but in a closed system, the number and types of atoms remains constant.


Chemical Water Testing Kit:

Using this chemistry kit, teachers can have their students test the pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, phosphorous, and nitrates in a local creek.

Kit can be used to cover these Ohio Standards:

7.LS.2: In any particular biome, the number, growth and survival of organisms and populations depend on biotic and abiotic factors. 

This kit pairs well with the Microinvertibrate Kit which explores the biology in the stream. Chemistry acts as a snapshot in time, while biology tells a story over time. 

Stream Exploration & Macroinvertebrates Kit:

Explore a local stream with nets while searching for creatures that live within the waters. Find insects that show whether water quality is healthy or polluted. 

Kit can be used to cover these Ohio Standards:

1.LS.2: Living things survive only in environments that meet their needs.
3.ESS.3: Some of Earth’s resources are limited.
4.LS.1: Changes in an organism’s environment are sometimes beneficial to its survival and sometimes harmful.
7.LS.2: In any particular biome, the number, growth and survival of organisms and populations depend on biotic and abiotic factors. 

*It is strongly encouraged that Medina SWCD is present and assisting due to permits needed to collect wildlife*

Storm Drain Stenciling Kits: 

Protect your waterways by marking storm drains in your communities.

Reach out to District Technician, Jim Smith, for more information about how your community can get involved. 330-722-9317

Kits to look forward to in the future:

  • Non-point source pollution kit
  • Soil Exploration Kit

Classroom presentations are available by request.  
Contact: Abby Costilow at 330-722-9318 or for more information.